Tuesday, October 18, 2011

100 Collegiate Women of America Launched in Prairie View

The 100 Collegiate Women of America™ is the newest organization for college and university students in the world. The 100 Collegiate Women of America™ is an international organization created at Prairie View A&M University in August 2011.

Why do colleges and universities need another organization you may ask? Well the organizers believe this organization is needed because it is one of the few that will focus on empowering its membership and equip them to help others and improve the quality of life.

"The mission of the 100 Collegiate Women of America is to increase and provide opportunities to empower and improve the quality of life for women and influence development at all levels of society."

The organization is open to college women who are progressive in their thoughts and actions, committed and dedicated to the cause of all humanity, and strive to make life better for others through service, volunteerism and economic and political empowerment.

The 100 Collegiate Women of America is an outgrowth of an idea for an organization by Frederick V. Roberts, former Assistant Director of Career Services at Prairie View A&M University and a program initiative of the Collegiate 100 at the university. How did the organization get its beginning you may ask? According to Roberts, who created the Collegiate 100 organization in 1993, women were part of that group at first. Once the organization was recognized by the 100 Black Men of Metropolitan Houston, Inc. and the 100 Black Men of America, Inc. in 1994, the membership focus was only on the college men. However, they were encouraged to work with women's organizations.

With the reactivation of the Collegiate 100 at Prairie View A&M University in March 2011 and the subsequent induction of the men into the chapter, there was a renewed interest in a group for the women. At the time Roberts stated that the commitment was to the young men first and then consideration will be given to allowing women affiliates. Roberts informed the women that they could start their own organization and he would assist where necessary and convenient. As the semester rolled on the discussions continued with the women about creating an organization, however, no one took the leadership challenge. "We want the Collegiate100 to to help us create one because we want to work with you," some said. While others waited in the wings!

Following the induction of the Collegiate 100 for men and the urging of Dymonique Burton, Vice President of the group, Roberts suggested that they compile a list of the women interested in the group and contact will be made when the time came. Over the summer, Roberts developed the concept for the organization, which is to become a non-profit organization with chapters on college and university campuses across the nation.

To kick off the fall semester, Roberts, Burton and Travis Reed, the Collegiate 100 president, called a meeting with the young women who had expressed interest in the organization. Some 20 women were present for the orientation to learn about the organization and to make their interest and commitment known to supporting and growing the organization. Roberts then appointed Elexia Robinson-White, a senior education major from Desoto, Texas, as the organizing Chair/President and asked the group to elect the remaining officers. The women were also offered membership into the new group. They were encouraged to invite another woman who each felt would support and benefit from membership in the organization to the next orientation meeting.

The organization is currently seeking approval for recognition as a student organization at Prairie View A&M University. On the suggestion of Ms. Robinson-White, the organization conducted interviews of all the ladies to determine their level of commitment and dedication to the organization. To date, more than 40 amazing and concerned women are participating in orientation and membership development. Upon university approval, the local group will host an induction ceremony and reception for the newest members. Mrs. Johnie Walker, alternative teacher certification and Dr. De Linda Marzette, language professor at Prairie View A&M University serves as advisers to the organization.

It is governed by a Board of Directors of selected students from the Collegiate 100, 100 Collegiate Women of America and other interested parties. The organization is the creation and is the property of The Collegiate Community Development Corporation, Inc. and all proprietary rights thereof.

The Purpose of the 100 Collegiate Women of America is to empower women through education, mentoring, volunteering and influencing development for the greater society. Our motto: Engage, Educate, Empower and Inspire others to great heights!

The 100 Collegiate Women of America is an organization of educated, talented and progressive women who are committed to initiating and creating programs that foster growth and professional development among its membership and the youth. Every member is treated equally with integrity, dignity, respect and importance. No one is considered to be more or less important than any other member, regardless of their classification or achievements.

The 100 Collegiate Women is further committed to developing the potential leadership of women, and improving communities through the effective action and programs and providing opportunities to meet the organization's objectives.

The Objectives of the 100 Collegiate Women of America are to fulfill its aim thus:
- Provide professional mentoring for the members
- Serve as mentors and role models for the youth in the community
- Continue supporting the holistic development of our youth
- Provide programs for leadership and followship development
- Establish entrepreneurship and business initiatives to increase the financial independence of the women
- Establish new and creative initiatives that positively impact women
- Provide scholarships and other benefits to its membership and high school girls
- Increase collaborations with organizations of with similar missions and influence

The 100 Collegiate Women of America and its affiliates with similar missions will also seek to engage in collaborative activities and events that will empower the community and its people. Such organizations to include but not limited to Professional Women's Network of Houston, the Oprah Winfrey Network, the Federation of Houston Professional Women and the Women's Business Forum, to name a few. These organizations have programs that will strengthen the sister-mentoring goal of the 100 Collegiate Women of America.

Roberts and the group look forward to the formal launching of the organization at Prairie View A&M University. Roberts is also in talks with affiliates at several universities to bring the 100 Collegiate Women of America to life on their campuses by 2012.

For information on the organization write: The 100 Collegiate Women of America,
P. O. Box 5433, Prairie View, TX 77446 or collegiatel00women@gmail.com.

™ © 1994 - 2011 100 Collegiate Women of America. All rights reserved to Collegiate Community Development Corporation, Inc.

NB: The 100 Collegiate Women of America™ is the property of Collegiate Community Development Corporation, Inc.and all proprietary rights belong to the said organization, headquartered at P. O. Box 5433, Prairie View, TX 77446.

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