Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Waller County News Citizen Lives On!

Today, August 19 marks the return of Prairie View Today in the renewed the Waller County News Citizen, the beacon and town crier for the county for more than 121 years. Thanks to Mr. Joe M. Bennatte, who believed in the power of the word and stepped up to the plate to preserve this community icon. Mr. Bennatte, who serves as publisher, has tapped Mr. Joe Figueroa as the general manager and editor for the News Citizen. Our prayers have been answered now we call on the citizens to support the legacy. Stop by the office at 350 US Business Highway, Suite 7 and view the historic wall of fame. I believe this display is the beginning of a Newspaper Museum in the county. Thanks for allowing me to share the happenings with you again.

The countdown is on for “A Red Hot Summer’s Night” and the 5th Annual Red & White Ball set for Aug. 27 at 6:30 p.m. in the Memorial Center Ball, W. A. Tempton Building at PVAMU. The event honors and recognizes the 25th Anniversary of the Prairie View Volunteer Fire Fighting Association, Inc. For information and sponsorship, call Elaine Jackson at 936-857-5550 or email: mejacksontx@prodigy.net.

The Men of St. Francis of Assisi will present its Monthly Prayer Breakfast on August 20 at 8:30 a.m. at the church on 204 Dooley Street. Mr. Nathaniel Richardson, Jr., Superintendent of Schools, Royal Independent School District. Mr. Richardson will speak on community leadership and responsibility for the children. All men of the community are invited to the free breakfast. Please call 936-857-3272 or email stfrancispv@sbcglobal.net to confirm attendance.

Bethlehem United Methodist church will hosts its Youth Sunday Program on August 21 at 3 p.m. at the church on 8th Street in Hempstead. In addition to performers from Bethlehem will be the St. Francis of Assisi Community Bell Troupe, directed by Dr. Vicki Seldon, professor of music at PVAMU, Praise dancers and singers from Greater St. Peter's Baptist Church, Temple Refuse COGIC, Macedonia Primitive Baptist Church, Apostolic Faith Sunnyside, Mount Corinth and Greater Zachary Baptist Church. The public is invited.

Transportation dominated the recent Waller County Economic Development Partnership meeting held at Prairie View A&M University on August 11. Mr. Amadeo Saenz, Jr., P.E., Executive Director for Texas Department of Transportation and guest speaker updated the audience on various projects in progress, including the proposed expansion of the U.S. 290/Hempstead Highway. Others addressing the audience were Dr. Munir Quddus, Dean, College of Business and Dr. James Wilson, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs. Mr. Wallace Everitt and Mr. Vince Yoko, president and executive director for the WCEDP respectively, made several presentations.

AUGUST BIRTHDAY HONORS TO: Marion Williams (16), Shadia Fuller Washington (17), JoAnn Blake (19), James Tompkins (20), Marguerite Robinson (23), Amy Boykin (23), and Cecil Boykin (24). Charles Tapscott (24), Desire'e Boykin (26), Iris Sawyer (25), Cheryl Manuel (27), Elaine Francis-Shafer (27), Brad McCleod (29), Jimmie P. Poindexter (30), Tresh'e Boykin (31) and Sharon Tisdell (31). CELEBRATING WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES are Cecil and Amy Boykin (18), Don and Beatrice Sowell (18), Charles and Veronica Hines (24), Waymon and Bernice Webster (24), Edward and Pearl Martin (24), David and Lorraine Kirkpatrick (26).

Your prayers and encouragement are welcomed for Mary Boozer, Ernestine Carreathers, Hulen and Irene Davis, George E. Higgs, David and Lorraine Kirkpatrick, Leon Martin, Irene Reid, Frederick V. Roberts, Willie Smith, Lucinda Vanduren and Douglas Woolfolk, who all stand in the need of prayer. May God’s blessings bring them health and strength!

A View from the Hill: Saturday, August 13 saw more than 400 graduates receive their Bachelors, Masters and Doctorate Degrees at the Summer Commencement at Prairie View A&M University. Dr. E. Joahanne Thomas-Smith, Provost and Senior Vice President at the university, delivered the address. In dramatic form, Thomas-Smith told the graduates to dream big dreams, follow those dreams and to ‘start spreading the news’ about this great university as they embark on their careers. Congratulations to Mary Ann Palmer Springs who received her Ph.D. in Educational Leadership. You may recall Mary Ann is the former Miss Prairie View A&M University and Miss Collegiate African American. She will join her husband Michael as he begins his medical studies at Ohio Medical College in September.

Congratulations and Happy Anniversary to Dr. George Wright, the eighth president of Prairie View A&M University. It was August 15, 2003 that President Wright began his official duties at the university with the groundbreaking ceremonies for the new School of Architecture and Art building. The facility was completed in 2005 and named in honor of Nathelyne Archie Kennedy, a 1959 alumnus and first female engineer to graduate from a state college in Texas. It is also the home the Texas Center for African American Heritage and Culture.

The Career Services staff is eagerly preparing for the 41st Fall Career Fair in September, where more than 100 companies and organizations will be seeking students for employment and internships. For details and more information, call 936-261-3570 or visit www.pvamu.edu/careers.

On August 14, 1876 - The Fifteenth Legislature enacted the Bill to create the Alta Vista Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas for Colored Youth (now Prairie View A&M University, formally changed on August 15, 1973). The school's enrollment increased from the eight male students that entered the university in 1878 to an enrollment of 9,500 and alumni base of 60,000.

ON A CULTURAL NOTE, I am sure you knew that on August 18, 1934 - Rafer Johnson, an Olympic athlete, is born in Hillsboro, Texas; 8/18/20 – 19th Amendment granting women to the right to vote was ratified; 8/19/1791 - Benjamin Banneker sends a copy of his just-published almanac to Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State, to prove the intellectual prowess of the African slave; 8/20/64 - The Economic Opportunity Act (War on Poverty Act) is signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson.

Until next week, in the words of Thomas Paine, "Time makes more converts than reason." Please keep your news, achievements and recognitions to prairieviewtoday@iwon.com, fax 936-857-5352, phone 936-857-3272 or P.O. Box 2906, Prairie View, TX 77446.

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