Monday, January 10, 2011

2011 is here and 2010 is out with all the hoopla of changes, scandals, winners and losers, and the hope of a change in the economy. As we closed out 2010, we also paused to honor and remember those who departed from our lives and give thanks for the blessings in our lives.

Congratulations to the newest county officials who will be sworn into office on January 1 at the County Court house at 10:00 a.m. Special kudos to Precinct 3 Judge-Elect M. Elaine Jackson and Commissioner-elect Glenn Beckendorff on their installation. We wish them the best in the coming years.

As this the final column for 2010, I thought to share some philosophical notes, a departure from the usual news and happenings. As we are at the beginning of a new year and the ending of an old one, we often wish we could turn over a new leaf or have a fresh start. No doubt about it, there have been certain things we have said or done this past year that we may or may not be proud of. Wouldn't it be great to just start over again? In reality you can have a fresh start. The New Year is still a blank slate. We are moving into uncharted waters, 2011 doesn't have any history for us; therefore, we have to make history. We don't know what the New Year is going to bring. But whatever the New Year holds don't be afraid. There are opportunities ahead of you to make a new commitment. You decide which path you are going to walk and what your priorities will be each and every day.

While you’re at it, make a commitment to create your personal family history or spiritual journey. Here are the first two of 21 suggestions provided by Dr. Sylvester Shannon, a Presbyterian minister of Fort Belvoir, VA to assist you on this journey. Begin by writing (1) your birth: when, where, parents, surrounding circumstances, and conditions. (2) Your childhood: health, diseases, incidents, funny accidents, visitors in your home, etc. grandparents, relatives you remember, religion in your home, financial condition of parents. Embellish these points with personal anecdotes. I will provide other points in the coming issues.

For this coming year, following these “10 Traits for Success” from Investors Business Daily will help you on your journey. First (1): How You Think Is Everything - Always be positive. Think success, not failure. Avoid the negatives. (2) Decide Upon Your True Dreams and Goals - Write down your specific goals and develop a plan to reach them. (3) Take Action - A Goals is nothing without action. Don't be afraid to get started. Just do it. (4) Never Stop Learning - Go back to school or read books. (5) Be Persistent and Work Hard - Success is a marathon, not a sprint. (6) Learn to Analyze Details - Get all the facts, all the input. Learn from your mistakes (7). Focus Your Time and Money - Don't let other people or things distract you. (8) Don't Be Afraid to Innovate; Be Different - Following the herd is a sure way to mediocrity. (9) Deal and Communicate with People Effectively - No man is an island. (10) Be Honest and Dependable and Take Responsibility - Otherwise, Numbers 1-9 won't matter.

The View from the Hill: Football is now history for the PVAMU Panthers and Basketball season begins. Both teams (men & women) will see action on the road this coming week from Iowa to Mississippi and Louisiana in between. On Jan. 8, the teams take on cross-town rival the Tigers of Texas Southern in the Babydome with the lady panthers at 5:30 followed by the men at 7:30 p.m.

The PVAMU Students In Free Enterprise team is counting on the community members to join in their “Campbell’s Soup “Let’s Can Hunger Project” from December 14-January 15, 2011. The team’s goal is to collect and distribute 5,000 lbs. of food throughout the community. To date 600 lbs. have been collected for distribution. Area churches are asked to collect canned goods for the various food pantries in the county, take stock and report their collections to David Brown, the project chairman at (936) 261-3574. Devin Evans, a sophomore Civil Engineering student from Dallas, is the president.

Please remember the following in your prayers: Vera Armstrong, Esel & Willie Bell, Mary Boozer, Ernestine Carreathers, Mary Kemp, David Kirkpatrick, Irene Reid, Willie Smith and Douglas Woolfolk, who all stand in the need of prayer. May God’s blessings bring them health and strength!

HAPPY JANUARY BIRTHDAY GREETINGS TO: Helen Boyer (2), Doris Thomas (2), Alice Goode (3), Donald Sowell (6), Irene Reid (7), Gloria Richardson (7), Eddie Jessie (9), James Kromah (14), Gloria Holloway (14), Arie Yell (14), Eugene Armstrong (15) Gib Dungey (15), Mary Curtis (16), Madolyn Reed (17) and Hosie Anderson (19).

Until next week, in the words of the late great god-father of soul James Brown, "Get On the Good Foot because Papa's got a Brand New Bag!" Keep the news, achievements, and recognitions coming to, fax (936) 857-5352, phone (936) 857-3272 or P. O. Box 2906, Prairie View, Texas 77446.

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