Thursday, April 22, 2010

Malcolm Copeland is new Mr. Prairie View A&M University

Malcolm J. Copeland, a junior accounting student is the new Mr. Prairie View A&M University. The pageant, held on April 21 at the university, saw six young men vying for the title, along with $3000 in scholarship and prizes and the opportunities for service and travel.

When the competition ended, Malcolm walked away with first place in talent, private interview, evening/formal wear and impromptu/onstage question. Winning the pageant is the culmination of months of preparation and training provided by Creative Imagery and Pageant Consulting. Next stop for Malcolm is the Mr. Collegiate African American Scholarship Pageant, set for Houston, Texas in October 2010.

Terry Barton, junior business management major was first runner up, with DeShawn Parks, senior education major, as second runner up. Other Pageant contestants were Jawan C.M. Jenkins, DeAndre Augustus and Remington Belford.

Malcolm’s platform, “Developing the Next Generation of Leaders: A focus on the Youth” is dynamic program he plans to implement during his term. Malcolm believes that he “can inspire and help the young people, particularly the young men, through a variety of positive activities which will provide better opportunities for their future.” The title will give him the venue to implement his platform and make a difference in the lives of the college students.

Malcolm is a 2007 graduate of Langham Creek High School , where participated in numerous activities, including the Debate Team, Choir and Honors program. His career goals are to earn the CPA and the Doctor of Jurisprudence Law Degree.

In preparation for his accounting career, Malcolm will complete a second intern with Shell Oil this summer and has will travel to Seoul Korea for a week as part of the College of Business’s International Exchange program.

He serves as a positive role model for the students at the university and has provided mentorship to high school students through various programs at the university and in the community. Malcolm is visionary and innovative and seized the opportunity to assist the College of Business in enhancing the Toastmasters International organization, managing the Business Advisory Board for the Students In Free Enterprise (SIFE) Team. Malcolm also directs the team’s leadership program “Unleashing Your Potential” and the Goldman Sach’s Capital Markets Financial Literacy program.

Malcolm is the recipient of a $5,000 scholarship from the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company Multicultural Scholarship Program, one of 12 selected nationwide.

He holds membership and leadership positions in Toastmasters International (President), Beta Gamma Sigma International Business Honor Society, Student In Free Enterprise (BAB Director and Chaplain), National Association for Black Accountants, Student Government Association (Former Chief Justice), Frederick Douglass Leadership Institute, and a Career Services Ambassador/Apprentice. In addition to his organizational affiliation, Malcolm finds time to volunteer with various community cleanups and services to his church and the community.

The Mr. PVAMU Pageant, in its 25th year, is one of the first pageant of its kind for College Men.

For booking information contact: Rev. Charles H. Lewter, IV at or 936-261-3591.

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