Monday, July 6, 2009


The Prairie View A&M University National Alumni Association is hosting its 35th Annual Convention on July 8-12 on the PVAMU Campus.

Under the theme: “The Greatness of our past: the Key to our future” the host chapter has taken out all the stops for events and activities. The convention kicks off with its 5th Annual pre-convention convention Golf Tournament on July 8 at the Legendary Oaks Golf Course in Hempstead, Texas.

The convention formally opens with at the general session is on Thursday, July 9 with the Association’s president Mr. Clem Daniels and Prairie View’s Mayor Frank D. Jackson welcoming the conventioneers to the hill for University Day. PVAMU’s President George C. Wright, along with Senator Royce West, Dr. Lucien Yates, Dean of the Green College of Education and other university officials will also address the alumni.

Among the many speakers and presenters, Texas Legislators, Senator Royce West (D) of Dallas and Representative Sylvester Turner (D) of Houston will address the group on July 9 and 11, respectively. Senator Wests represents the North Dallas area and is one of two Blacks in the senate. Representative Turner comes from District 139 in Houston

Other events include a spectacular musical concert featuring a stellar cast of PVAMU Alumni Talent, accompanied by the renowned pianist Dr. Danny R. Kelley, Dean of PVAMU’s Brailsford College of Arts and Sciences on July 9 in Hobart Taylor Recital Hall.

Several workshops including the Economic Development Empowerment sponsored on July 11 by the Cooperative Extension Program, PVAMU’s Small Business Development Center and the Prairie View City’s Economic Development Corporation 4-B are among the scheduled events. The attendees can also participate in the campus tour, specialty vending area, and Awards Banquet and Dance with Representative Turner on July 10. Rev. Robert Williams of Hope AME will lead the Alumni Memorial Service on July 11. The convention closes on Saturday night with the Old School/New School Jamz in the Tempton Memorial Student Center.

The convention is hosted by the local Prairie View Alumni Flagship Chapter; Mrs. Lois Brown is the president. For registration and ticket information contact the Prairie View A&M University National Alumni Office – 936-857-5817 or

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