Friday, September 14, 2012

Collegiate 100’s Career Expo II is Huge Success

by Ameer McMillan
Communication Director

On Thursday, September 13, 2012, The Collegiate 100 hosted Career Expo II, is r first professional seminar of the 2012 –13 school year. The Career Expo, co-sponsored with Career Services at Prairie View A&M University, allowed students to hear from six panelists from different career paths including engineering, finance, medicine, criminal justice and consulting.
The panelists were asked various questions regarding their college experiences as well as the transition into their professional careers. The participants also shared personal challenges they faced in their careers and what steps they took to become successful to date.

Following the panel discussion, panel member David Townsend, Vice President of Consulting for Quorum Business Solutions, took time to share with the audience ways to make the career fair work for them. “Develop your thirty to sixty second elevator speech to introduce yourself to recruiters, have a resume that reflects your best qualities and interests and also confidence in what you are saying and be proud of your accomplishments,” he concluded.

More than forty students were on hand for the pre-Career Fair event.  When asked what was gained from the program, Joshua Koch, a freshman engineering student stated:  “I was exposed to a lot of different information and career aspects. The career expo taught me what I needed to do for my future and what I need to do to be successful in life.” Ross Hampton, the Chaplain for the Collegiate 100, responded that, “I think the students will have a positive reaction to the information. All of the information was very beneficial as well as very direct. It is information we can use personally in our own lives and learn from so that we may succeed.”
Collegiate 100 presented the first Career Expo in spring 2012 to rave reviews. Students and administrators were pleased with the program, so the members decided to host the event in fall 2012.  With the success of Career Expo II, the Collegiate 100 will make it a semi-annual event in collaboration with the University’s Career Fairs.

Prior to the Expo, the Collegiate played host and met with George Lolomun "Mr.Opportunity of Atlanta. Mr.  Lolomun was the keynote speaker for the Student Recognition Banquet, honoring students who held internships, research assistantships and military training during the summer.

Patrick Gray, a junior electrical engineering technology student, is the president of Collegiate 100. For information, write


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